How do I calculate the quantity of concrete I'll need for my project? How do I order this from a supplier of concrete?
If you are unfamiliar with self-performing concrete, you probably have some queries about where to begin and what the fundamentals are. You're in the correct place, then! We have solutions.
To begin with: Orders for concrete are made by the cubic yard (CY, or occasionally just "yards"). The volume of each unique concrete pour must be measured.
Find your item's concrete standard, email it to your concrete supplier, and request a quote for $/CY delivered and a mix design that complies with this specification before you begin measuring. Estimate the concrete yards used in this citation.
Here is an illustration of that: A 5,000 PSI concrete slab is being poured by myself. I'll give it the number 100 CY and email Cemex for a price. They say the blend number 1457382 is $150 per calendar year. I submit this for clearance to my GC/owner.
It's time to measure the concrete right away!
Step 1: Determine the object's length, breadth, and height/depth in feet. This applies to pouring anything, including sidewalks, slabs, footings, retaining walls, and other structures.
Example: I'm constructing a brand-new house on an approximately rectangular slab. The slab will be 4" deep and 100'x50' in size.
A Pro Tip
If your floor is a slab with an irregular shape, divide the slab pour into several rectangular spaces.
Step 2: To calculate the volume in cubic feet, multiply the length (ft), width (ft), and depth (ft). This appears as follows using the same measurements as our example in Step 1:
100 ‘ x 50’ x (4/12)‘ = 1667 CF
Convert CF to CY in step 3. Divide your response by 27 as 1 cubic yard contains 27 cubic feet.
1667 CF / 27 = 61.7 CY
Step 4: Calculate the total number of yards to order and the number of trucks you'll need delivered.
A Pro Tip
There are typically two sizes of concrete trucks: a 9 CY truck (the most popular) and an 11 CY slider truck. You must order full trucks first, then one "short load" as your last truck to avoid paying "short load" fees. For pours over 50 CY, 1-2 CY of waste is usually acceptable.